Victoria Road
Co. Down

This house occupies a low–lying site bisected by a deeply cut stream. The house was conceived as a single–storey form that would ‘bridge’ this stream – its height judged such that the form of the house is barely perceived from the public road. Within this sequestered setting the house takes on a distinct character – affected more by its surrounding landscape than the nearby villas in their mature gardens (this site having been the rear garden of one of these villas).
To the south–west, the house presents itself to an intimate wooded garden setting as a glazed colonnade or series of vertically proportioned windows. To the north–east, a series of fewer openings allow for more private relationships to the closer neighbouring boundaries, and protects the privacy of the dwelling from those approaching along the entrance bridge.
The house bridges the river parallel to an existing foot–bridge – this existing feature is re–clad in timber.
Photography: Ros Kavanagh