Homerton College

Shortlisted Competition Entry 2017
Homerton has much to celebrate; an illustrious history, a promising future and a beautiful environment. Celebration takes many forms; modes of celebration exhibit variety derived from region, age and tradition.
In developing our proposals we sought to consider this aspect of the brief within a context that accommodates an institution with such an interesting and varied history of purpose and place. In relation to its location and place within Cambridge University Homerton is both long–established and recently–established; part of a hallowed and internationally respected university, and once a non–conformist radical institution. In this way Homerton College may be seen to be a maverick institution – it appears established and old, and in some ways it is, yet it is a relatively new college within the University of Cambridge.
The new space is to accommodate various types of celebration, as well as the day to day life of The College and must be robust enough conceptually to adjust with the style and mode of dining whilst settling in to its place within the beautiful setting of the grounds. The new Hall should both hold the dignity and heritage of the place and the institution, as well as anticipating the innovation of Homerton’s future.
Our proposal is for an original and distinct space, using an elliptical plan form the interior creates a particular environment, presenting an aspect to the grounds that may be controlled in response to the changing requirements of college life through the year. This space is set within a building that confirms with the architectural manners of the context; it is individual whilst engaging with the built context through form, material and detail.
The brief sought a building that would match and exceed the Great Hall for presence and atmosphere and to respond to this important statement in the brief we considered the physical characteristics of the proposal within the context of the Great Hall.