Bishop Lucey Park

Our proposal for the park, in Cork City Centre has emerged from a careful study of the existing site, and a desire to foreground the individual character of the place. We look forward to developing the project with Cork City Council. The RIAI Competition Jury Citation said:
One of the main design issues of this competition is the treatment of the medieval wall. In this proposal the medieval wall is treated as one of the main features, being the threshold between park and Grand Parade, and is accentuated by means of steps, which in turn creates a ‘place’ to view and interpret the historic urban growth of the city. The main route through the scheme emphasises the urban context of the city and its linkages, starting from the English Market through the existing Archway, making a strong urban composition. It continues across the moat cum medieval wall by a bridge landing on plinth at the north east corner and traverses the park diagonally to the existing fountain, which in turn creates open and potential ‘secret spaces’, such as a ‘plaza’ to South Main Street and more intimate sylvan spaces adjacent to Tuckey Street.
The layout demonstrated the need to maintain existing trees and is respectful of the facade on Triskel Christchurch and the potential of existing buildings to create outdoor cafés. Architectural features such as the tower, portal and pavilion create potential landmarks and shelter. Lighting proposals are well considered. The proposal fulfils the design brief’s aspiration with the flexibility for client modifications. In all, every part of the graphic submission is used to show design intent accompanied by a well–crafted written report.